August Impact Story

Donna, known as the Y’s volunteer Gardener and Plant Lady, has been a cherished YMCA member for years. She played a key role in establishing the Heritage Garden and led the dedication team in a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Donna also rediscovered and revitalized the lost garden, transforming an overgrown flower bed into a beautiful space for the community.
Donna and her husband, Dar visit the YMCA five to six times a week, participating in Flex and Flow classes taught by Cheryl and Yoga classes led by Candy. These classes help her maintain the flexibility needed to tend to her flowers, underscoring her dedication to both fitness and gardening. For Donna, her time at the Y is not just about personal health; it’s about staying active and engaged in the community she loves.
Her motto, "pull a weed a day," encourages consistent small efforts for positive change. Donna's contributions have made her an integral part of the YMCA community, inspiring others with her commitment to gardening and well-being. Thank you, Donna!