This is the optional description area for the Gallery paragraph type, this description text is white by default, and appears centered with the optional title and link over the background color/image.
Simple Content
This paragraph type is used for all types of content, you can also create hyperlinked text, pull in images from your media browser and create quick buttons to use when you need to make a link pop!
Button Link Another Button Link
Teaser - Optional Title
This is an optional description field for you to add in text, images, and links that appear to the right of the selected image in the Teaser paragraph type.
Featured Content - Optional Title
This optional description area will appear under the headline, but above the 2-4 columns on the page; please note, the optional link will appear as a button under the 2-4 columns.
This is a text editor area for you to put in content for the column. You can add text, hyperlinks, button links, and images within this body area. Unlike the Grid Content, the Featured Content paragraph type has no color defaults built in for each paragraph type.
Fake Headlines!
This is a text editor area for you to put in content for the column. You can add text, hyperlinks, button links, and images within this body area. Unlike the Grid Content, the Featured Content paragraph type has no color defaults built in for each paragraph type.
Fake Headlines!
This is a text editor area for you to put in content for the column. You can add text, hyperlinks, button links, and images within this body area. Unlike the Grid Content, the Featured Content paragraph type has no color defaults built in for each paragraph type.
This expandable area is for your text, images, and links. Add as much or as little content you want to help you feature program info, important policy details (weather, cancellation, DEI, pool, etc) and much more!
This is also an expandable area for your text, images, and links. Add as much or as little content you want to help you feature program info, important policy details (weather, cancellation, DEI, pool, etc) and much more!
Grid Content - Optional Title
This is a description area for the Grid Content, you can create 2-4 columns on a page. Note, when using a 2-Column page layout there is not enough room in the content area of the page for 4 columns in the Grid Content and it will look squished. Additionally, there are issues with the color defaults in a 4 column Grid Content and the colors no longer stay consistent.
If you don't like the Grid Content color defaults, please use the Featured Content paragraph.
Optional Title
This is a description area for the Grid Content, you can create 2-4 columns on a page. Note, when using a 2-Column page layout there is not enough room in the content area of the page for 4 columns in the Grid Content and it will look squished. Additionally, there are issues with the color defaults in a 4 column Grid Content and the colors no longer stay consistent.
If you don't like the Grid Content color defaults, please use the Featured Content paragraph.
Optional Headline
This is a description area for the Grid Content, you can create 2-4 columns on a page. Note, when using a 2-Column page layout there is not enough room in the content area of the page for 4 columns in the Grid Content and it will look squished. Additionally, there are issues with the color defaults in a 4 column Grid Content and the colors no longer stay consistent.
If you don't like the Grid Content color defaults, please use the Featured Content paragraph.
${ dateFormatted }
${ item.duration_hours }h ${ item.duration_minutes }min
${ item.category }